



Our brand and design work

Property Investor Centre logo in centre of the image with a plant on right, and white circle ornament at the bottom of frame.

New brand

We were approached to create Property Investor Centre's new visual identity. The brand needed to appeal to a broad real estate audience in a modern and engaging way.

The McKinnon Prize logo with a background of the McKinnon Prize award

Brand refresh

We were engaged to redesign and implement McKinnon Prize’s branding, including a new website, templates, and event design for this prestigious brand.

Agestrong logo in the centre on a navy background, with the brand graphics in the bottom right corner


Agestrong Health Group required a comprehensive brand strategy and visual identity that positioned them as strong leaders in the aged care and general allied health sector. 

Crumpled black paper with the McKinnon Institute logo on top

Visual brand concepts

The McKinnon Institute for Political Leadership required new visual brand concepts to align with their Federal and State Parliament audience.

APO logo on a cream coloured background, surrounded by their brand dots

Design support

We support organisations with established brand identities who seek expert design assistance for specific projects. For APO, we delivered event collateral that elevated their brand presence while maintaining their visual standards.

DLA Piper logo in white on green leaf image

Brand refresh

We were engaged to work on multinational law firm DLA Piper's visual brand refresh for their Australian audience.

Susan McKinnon Foundation logo on top of image of man paddling on a lake

Brand refresh

We were engaged by the Susan McKinnon Foundation to undertake a full-scale transformation and implementation of their existing brand.

Redbridge Capital logo and image over brand graphic and image of rolling hills with low cloud

New brand

New start-up and financial investment firm, Redbridge Capital, engaged us to work on their new visual brand and brand strategy.

Thinkaway logo on brand shape, purple on purple with white and green logo

New brand

Thinkaway Learning approached us to create a quirky, modern and polished visual identity. The aesthetic needed to communicate a sense of professionalism and be adaptable.

Barku tile - a logo sits in the centre over a close-up image of a light coloured piece of timber.

New brand

After years of honing his craft as a timber furniture maker, Matt Laing founded Barku Timber Furniture. We were thrilled to create his branding for his worthwhile new venture.

Guardian Property Advisors logo on a blurred image background of the inside of a house. An in-focus key and keyring is on the right hand side of the image.

New brand

Guardian Property Advisors engaged us to create a brand identity that reflected their commitment to protecting and growing their clients’ wealth through property investment and ownership.

The trust logic logo over an image of a person holding a dandelion


Melbourne-based marketing consultancy, mext Consulting, engaged us to rebrand their corporate trust model and core branding.

Bloom Playroom logo that is black with colourful lettering and graphics of a flower and a ladybird. In the top left and bottom right corner is a pink flower.

New brand

Sunshine Coast-based early childhood education business, Bloom Playroom, engaged BrandOps to create a new strategic and visual identity.

Need brand or design help?

LinkedIn link to BrandOps Creative page, with the word 'Follow' to the right. There is an arrow between these two items.

Transform how clients perceive and engage with your firm through our expert branding and design services that elevate your market presence.



Our brand and design work

Property Investor Centre logo in centre of the image with a plant on right, and white circle ornament at the bottom of frame.The McKinnon Prize logo with a background of the McKinnon Prize award Agestrong logo in the centre on a navy background, with the brand graphics in the bottom right corner

New brand

We were approached to create Property Investor Centre's new visual identity. The brand needed to appeal to a broad real estate audience in a modern and engaging way.

Brand refresh

We were engaged to redesign and implement McKinnon Prize’s branding, including a new website, templates, and event design for this prestigious brand.


Agestrong Health Group required a comprehensive brand strategy and visual identity that positioned them as strong leaders in the aged care and general allied health sector.

Crumpled black paper with the McKinnon Institute logo on topAPO logo on a cream coloured background, surrounded by their brand dotsDLA Piper logo in white on green leaf imageSusan McKinnon Foundation logo on top of image of man paddling on a lake

Visual brand concepts

The McKinnon Institute for Political Leadership required new visual brand concepts to align with their Federal and State Parliament audience.

Brand refresh

As part of DLA Piper's strategic regional growth, we were engaged to assist with brand deliverables for the multi-national law firm DLA Piper's visual brand refresh in 2023.

Brand refresh

We were engaged by the Susan McKinnon Foundation to undertake a full-scale transformation and implementation of their existing brand.

New brand

New start-up and financial investment firm, Redbridge Capital, engaged us to work on their new visual brand and brand strategy.

Redbridge Capital logo and image over brand graphic and image of rolling hills with low cloudThinkaway logo on brand shape, purple on purple with white and green logoBarku tile - a logo sits in the centre over a close-up image of a light coloured piece of timber.Guardian Property Advisors logo on a blurred image background of the inside of a house. An in-focus key and keyring is on the right hand side of the image.

Design work

We support organisations with established brand identities who seek expert design assistance for specific projects. For APO, we delivered event collateral that elevated their brand presence while maintaining their visual standards.

New brand

Thinkaway Learning approached us to create a quirky, modern and polished visual identity. The aesthetic needed to communicate a sense of professionalism and be adaptable.

New brand

After years of honing his craft as a timber furniture maker, Matt Laing founded Barku Timber Furniture. We were thrilled to create his branding for his worthwhile new venture.

New brand

Guardian Property Advisors engaged us to create a brand identity that reflected their commitment to protecting and growing their clients' wealth through property investment and ownership.

The trust logic logo over an image of a person holding a dandelionBloom Playroom logo that is black with colourful lettering and graphics of a flower and a ladybird. In the top left and bottom right corner is a pink flower.


Melbourne-based marketing consultancy, mext Consulting, engaged us to rebrand their corporate trust model and core branding.

New brand

Sunshine Coast-based early childhood education business, Bloom Playroom, engaged BrandOps to create a new strategic and visual identity.

Need brand or design help?

LinkedIn link to BrandOps Creative page, with the word 'Follow' to the right. There is an arrow between these two items.

Transform how clients perceive and engage with your firm through our expert branding and design services that elevate your market presence.